Bas Leenders Leenders basl

Hi, my name is Bas. I am a self-employed professional, consulting in projects where strategic use of web applications is defined by data, people, and their interaction.

With my academic background in cognitive psychology, I focus on data-driven human and organizational needs. I love working in multidisciplinary teams, together with inspiring and enabling organizations. Beyond that, I am an aspiring photographer, lousy bass player, and very passionate sailor.

My 25+ years of experience implementing web apps, with 14 years in the Google Cloud ecosystem, brings a deep and wide knowledge of the latest technologies. I help my clients build practical cloud-based solutions, to improve how people work.

So, how can I help you? Let's chat via iMessage, Signal or WhatsApp, connect on LinkedIn or via old-fashioned . Check my KvK or visit me in the heart of Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Disclaimer: The blog that's hidden behind this site consists mainly of quotations of other people. They do however reflect my personal opinion and will be used in my work.